About a month ago my friends Hayley, Colin, Pam and I went to Canterbury on the weekend to help out a guy named Simon. He is a Messianic Jew in his 50's or 60's he has had cancer so hasn't had much energy. We went to help him clean his house and the back garden (yard). We were able to clear out the entire yard and burn the extra stuff, so that he can actually enjoy his back garden again. He was so grateful, and I was surprised at how much 4 people accomplished in a day and a half.
My roommate Hayley is a part of the Forever Team which is our Olympic outreach team here at YWAM Harpenden, for more information you can go here www.forever2012.com. Hayley is the prayer coordinator for the Forever team and met Simon at a "More than Gold" prayer meeting. "More Than Gold" is a group of Christians from all over England who are networking, gathering, and working together to coordinate outreach to the nations and share the Good News before, during and after the 2012 Olympics here in England. They are made up of different Networks i.e. Prayer, Sports, Arts, Justice etc. It's pretty sweet how they are all coming together for the love of Jesus, truly working as the Body of Christ.
This week the Forever team is gathering all of the English Discipleship Training Schools (DTS's, like what I did in Norway a few years ago) and a few other teams from Europe to do outreach in Manchester, which is one of the Olympic locations. Last year I went with them to Cardiff, Wales (another one of the Olympic event locations). They do these gatherings every 3 months or so, to teach on evangelism and practice it. We also do a lot of worship and prayer and networking with local churches in preparation for the Olympics. I am helping with an art outreach and taking photos of the gathering, to help put a visual to what goes on at these gatherings.