I am now, in the eyes of God and the State, officially Mrs. Summerton!
Phil and I were married on the 6th of October in Hudson, Wisconsin at Trinity Lutheran Family Center (my home church). It was a very blessed, wonderful and a bit chilly day on the outside but nothing but warmth and love coming from the inside. We were blessed to hear comments afterward of how it was a "real" wedding, and they could "feel God's presence", how cool is that?!? We really enjoyed the day and were very thankful to have so many friends and family around. If you were there, thanks for coming and I hope you enjoyed yourselves too!
Here are a few photos from the day:
After the Wedding we were able to go to Ireland for our Honeymoon, have an English celebration for all of those who weren't able to make it to the States and then headed back to YWAM Harpenden with a good visit from my Mom, Dad, Bro and Sis-in-law!
Now we are back to work! We're enjoying getting settled in here, both involved in different things than before. I've stepped out of communications and will mainly be working in the Oval Café (our cafe ministry here). I am learning the ropes in the hopes that one day we will open our own café in Brighton (South coast of England). Phil has stepped out of the Discipleship training school to also work part time in the café and part time helping to take care of the maintenance of the 42 acres here at YWAM Harpenden before March 2013, when we head to my previous YWAM location here in England called Holmsted Manor. At Holmsted we will be preparing to plant a new YWAM team in Brighton and will be staffing a DTS together along with a few other bits and pieces. We both feel called to continue to serve God through YWAM for the foreseeable future, but there are many details for future blog posts, so more on this later :) Thanks for having a look, I pray you will discover more of Christ in this upcoming Christmas season! Until next time...
Christy and Phil