We started our 2 month outreach in Manchester where we did a lot of speaking to people about faith and Jesus in the street, prayer walking, rough sleeper ministry, student ministry, café prophecy (where we would ask God for an encouragement about someone in a café and give it to them and speak to them if they wanted), worshiped Jesus in the streets and general prayer for the city.
Our fellow leader Laura chatting with a local. |
After a month in Manchester we headed to the north of England to Newcastle Upon Tyne. Where we were able to work with our friend Andy who runs a YWAM location there. We did a lot in 10 days, worked with youth groups, prayer walked, spoke to people in the street, helped out at an International Student Café and got to baptise one of our team members! This is her below.
Doing a drama and volunteering at the Globe café, the church's international student ministry. |
Bre about to be baptised! |
After New Castle we made our way back down south via Cambridge for a few days with another YWAM location. Praying and worshiping in the city. And for our last two weeks we were in Brighton. This was really helpful for Phil and I to make more relationships with people/ministries because we would like to plant a team there. It was a great opportunity to see possibilities of having outreach teams come to Brighton in the foreseeable future. Below is a photo of a map of Brighton which we used quite a lot and were able to sketch out and write down some prayer walks that we are looking forward to using with groups.
A tree we helped a local church to decorate for their lighting of the tree in the local community. |
Phil speaking and sharing about YWAM at Elim Church in Brighton. |
And last but not least, we as Youth With A Mission Holmsted Manor tried something new this past Christmas season and held a Live Nativity which brought out quite a good crowd. We had a pop-up café and people were able to sing along with Christmas Song sheets as the Christmas story of Jesus' birth was narrated with live sheep, shepherds, a pony and hay.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the Wisemen, shepherds and the star in our live nativity. |