Sunday 30 June 2013

Our New Holm

Hey, so we've moved and I thought I would post some pictures of where we're living now. We have a single bedroom flat with an en-suite bathroom, so we've down sized a bit, but we're making good use of the space we have :)

 We moved to Youth With A Mission Holmsted Manor in March. This is where I lived when I first came to England in 2008, so for me it's like coming back home. We all live in one building, so it feels like a family here.

Holmsted is much smaller, capacity-wise, than our previous location, but I think we will really enjoy the size.

There was a change in leadership here last September. A couple, Steve and Jo, and their 3 girls (whom we had worked with previously at YWAM Harpenden) took over as base leaders and it has been great working with them.

We are finally getting settled in now, learning new systems, which can be frustrating at times, but enjoying some familiar faces and getting to know new ones.

Please pray for Phil and I as we get settled in, look to find a new church, make new friends and listen to what God is saying to us about how He wants to use us here.

Sunday 2 June 2013

I am Now Plugged In

Back in March we were given a generous donation and were able to buy an acoustic/electric guitar. It was so well timed, because I have been asked to lead worship more often now and the people I would normally borrow guitars from have either left the country or were away for an extended period. It is such a blessing! I've been playing for 11 years and wanting a guitar that plugs in for about 5 now, but didn't have the means, so this was an exciting moment.

I really like the red color too because it's a good reminder of Jesus' blood and why I'm leading worship.
