About 150 people gathered for 'Get Out' outreach, YWAM partnering with Soul Survivor (a church here in England). We split into 5 teams
Cambridge, England
Cornwall, England
Brighton, England
A group of about 25 of us went to Brighton to do outreach for a week.
We travelled by train to Brighton, where we stayed at a church called Gloucster Baptist, and prayer walked around the city, to get a feel and oriented to it.
After worship, we were able to bless a non-profit Community Café, just outside of Brighton, by giving it a makeover. It is run by Volunteers, so they don't get paid. Within the day we had repainted and stained the outside and inside of the café. They were so thankful.
I got to speak with the lady who runs it and she said it's the one place that people can come together, young and old. They kept going on about how they never would have been able to do this themselves, they were very fun to work with :)
We prayer walked around town to a lot of the churches. Got to pray for them, bless them and the people who work there. As we walked we asked God for words of encouragement for each of the churches and we were able to pass that along to them.
We had a Pub ministry almost every night. Evergreen guys played we went in prayed and talked to people. Got to connect with some guys who run open mic nights that I had worked with while I was at my previous location, YWAM Holmsted Manor.
We connected with a youth group and did ministry together, split up into groups to do sport, visit a nursing home and go treasure hunting (praying and asking God for a specific person to talk to i.e. someone with a blue hat, someone next to the train station etc.). I went to the nursing home and this is the day I met Ron. He wrote and composed hymns, but he can no longer play them and has a hard time speaking because he had a stroke. My heart broke for him, but we sang in the nursing home for some entertainment and afterwards, bless him, Ron gave me the sheet music to one of the hymns he wrote called Beyond the Clouds, I want to learn it on Piano!!
At night we did Pub ministry and worked with a Christian "Rough Sleeper" (homeless) ministry called Anti-freeze to hand out coffee/hot chocolate and sandwiches. We met 11 guys that night. Got to pray for/with all of them. I specifically got to pray for a guy named Jake for healing from epilepsy. Antifreeze is an amazing ministry! They've been going for quite a few years, they bring food and something hot to drink and offer a place to get help for the rough sleepers during the day and pray with each of them if they are up for it (which most of them are).
It was such a crazy contrast to be walking amongst the young people who were using their money to party and right next to them we were looking for people who had nothing, needing shelter, food and something to drink. The contrast made me think about what's important in life, that we all need Jesus and until we realize that we will try to fill that need with other things.
We went to the city center to talk to people. DJ Tempo (local to Brighton) and Nick (one of the guys who did his DTS in Harpenden last year) rapped Jesus the in streets.
This is the day I met Coulette. Wow! What a conversation. It was amazing how God used my friend Phil and I to converse with this lady for 2.5 hours. As we listened to her life story and views on things, she had good values but didn't seem to have a need for God. While we spoke God kept bringing scripture to mind and Phil and I got to share parts of our life stories that spoke about who Jesus is and what He's done in our lives. She asked us questions and we asked her about life questions. She has 2 sons, 15 and 16 and a husband whom she is separated from that had a stroke 4 years ago. We could see that she was truly upset for her boys that their family was separated, but when I asked, she said she couldn't see herself ever reconciling with her husband. I got to share the gospel with her and how much she is loved by God. By the end of our conversation she asked us to pray for her! If you would pray for them that would be great!
Was a day off and
We joined the church service that we were staying at. I got to sing with a few others for worship and after the service we held a BBQ for the people of the church and people we met during the week. We went to an evening service at another church, and then night capture the flag on the beach.
Thanks for sharing your stories:)