On Valentine's Day, after we had spent the week learning and praying, we went out to 3 locations Crawley, Burgess Hill and Brighton using our creativity to share the love of Christ.
Phil and I lead the team to Brighton. 20 of us went to one of the local parks. Our team had written truths on heart shaped paper that we handed out to people, like you are loved, you are valued, to celebrate what real love is. A few of us were also worshipping using guitar and song while we had others with boards that people could write or talk about Real Love - What is it? What isn't it?
At the moment, as we have prayed, we have felt that we are meant to be a bridge from the local people to God. Not forcing anything on anyone, but showing who God really is, that He loves and cares about each person on this earth.
He's not angry, He is not condemning, He just wants His children to come to Him.
"This is real love -- not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins." - 1 John 4:10
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